Self Management Week – managing health through Sporting Memories
This week is the Health and Social Care Alliance in Scotland’s ‘Self Management Week’ and as part of our recognition of the importance of self-management we want to tell the story of Kirkcaldy Club volunteer Alex Kilgour, who through the support of Sporting Memories has been able to make a positive recovery from a serious health issue.
Using Sporting Memories to overcome a challenging time
In 2022, Alex suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage whilst at the funeral of a family member. It required Alex to take an extensive period of time to focus on his recovery, and as part of that his family decided to look for local activities which Alex could attend once he was able to return home.
However, Alex was quite stubborn after returning home and he wasn’t keen to often go out into the local community. His sons eventually found the Sporting Memories session which take place weekly at Kirkcaldy Rugby Club and despite it taking quite a lot of convincing to get him to attend his first Sporting Memories session, Alex eventually did the following year.
The impact of Sporting Memories
Alex has been an ever present since he attended his first session in 2023 as a member and has become so committed to the Club that he is now a volunteer and now helps to run the sessions alongside Gary Waddell, one of our many Scottish Community Club Coordinators.
“I think it has helped just being part of a Club and chatting to people and building new friendships which I didn’t have before. I’m only 64 but it has made me feel so young!”
The Club at Kirkcaldy has had a positive impact on Alex mental and physical wellbeing which and he puts that down to his own self-management, as well the support of his fellow Sporting Memories Club members and volunteers.
“It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me as far as I’m concerned – and without doubt it has been the biggest motivation for me to make a full recovery from the haemorrhage I had.
“Also, just being able to take part in all the activities at the club, whether it’s been quizzes, speeches from guest or even playing boccia or other indoor sports – I’ve done a lot and we’ve done a lot as a group.”
Using his experiences to give back
In his current role as a Club volunteer, Alex is determined to give back to Sporting Memories after gaining so much from the sessions since being involved.
“I became a volunteer because I’m a firm believer in if you get something out of it, then you should put something back in. I really enjoy being a volunteer. I welcome everyone normally to the session, making teas and coffees for members.
“Thanks to being a part of the club I have a load of new friends and often see them out and about when I’m catching a bus or walking down the high street – that makes you feel part of something, which is great.”
To find out more about Self Management Week, visit the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland website here -
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