Sporting Memories Training for new volunteers
Wednesday 12 March, 1:30pm - 5pm
This workshop is for new volunteers who haven’t previously attended training with Sporting Memories. The workshop will take place online via Zoom and will give you an overview of our organisation and equip you with the knowledge and skills to help facilitate our Sporting Memories Clubs.
Before booking please read the T&Cs below:
Agreement relating to Use and Non-Disclosure of Materials
Thank you for agreeing to take part by attending our training session.
To make sure that you have a great experience we would like to set out our commitments to you and your commitments to us. We also want to record the basis of the relationship between us, on the one hand, and you on the other, in relation to the training that will delivered to you and the materials and resources that will be shared with you as part of training session.
Our training materials are a key asset and we have invested a lot of time and effort in their creation. For that reason, it is important that we protect these materials which we consider to be our confidential and proprietary information. Whilst we are sharing these materials with you to make your experience with us enjoyable and rewarding, we also want to ensure that the materials we share with you and information we provide during the training sessions, or which you otherwise become aware of or have access to, is protected and is not used, disclosed, copied or replicated by you other than as required for the purposes of the Project.
1. Our Commitments
We are committed to:
- Being responsive to your requirements.
- Explaining the standards we expect and encouraging and supporting you to achieve and maintain them.
- Providing you with support throughout your Sporting Memories experience.
- Providing training required for individuals to undertake a sporting memories facilitation role.
2. Your Commitments
You are committed to:
- Undertaking the training.
- Follow our advice and guidance based on research and experience of delivering Sporting Memories activities.
- Maintaining the confidentiality of our confidential and proprietary information.
In particular, you agree you will, and will ensure that you will:
- Keep our confidential and proprietary information secret and confidential;
- Not use, share, disclose, exploit or make our confidential and proprietary information available (in whole or in part) in any way except as required for delivering the agreed Sporting Memories activities in your designated care home location; or copy, reduce to writing or otherwise record or replicate any document or other materials in any way except as required for the agreed Sporting Memories activities in your designated Community Club location
In return for providing you with the training and materials, and by accepting this invitation and attending a Sporting Memories training session, you acknowledge and agree that:
the training and practice delivered, and tools and materials shared, remain our confidential and proprietary information and you undertake that you will not use, share, disclose, copy or replicate any confidential or proprietary information provided, for any purpose other than as part of the agreed Sporting Memories activities in your designated Community Club location.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
Please email
Booking form
In this section
We’re always on the lookout for volunteers to help run our clubs all across England, Scotland and Wales – find out more here.
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