News and views
Check out all the latest news stories from around our network below.
Great Scott – Rugby legend marks Pentlands 100th session with special visit
Mar 6: Scott Hastings helps Pentlands Sporting Memories Club mark their 100th meeting
Bury Club welcome local community for official launch
Feb 28: A day of fun, laughter and looking at some iconic football art saw our Bury Club launched in style earlier this week!
Rumney Hub visit the Bluebirds for a special session!
Feb 27: Our Club based at the Rumney Partnership Hub in Cardiff made the short trip to the Cardiff City Stadium for a fun morning!
Read the latest pieces from our team, patrons and other brilliant contributors.
Support Rob as he takes on the Chester 10K for Sporting Memories!
Feb 26: Rob Foreman is taking on a running challenge in March to raise money towards our work
How Pickleball Became the Fastest-Growing Sport for Older People
Feb 13: American writer Jack Shaw looks into history of Pickleball, and it's rise in the US and here in the UK.
Freya shares the impact of our Kirkcaldy Club
Feb 4: Fife College student Freya Buchan chose to focus on our Kirkcaldy Club as part of a radio and video feature project for her course
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